of stories

Have you come face to face with a terrible demon named Creative Crisis? Inspiration summon spells no longer work? Ideas refuse to materialize? It`s time to turn to ancient magic – Tarot cards. True, our deck is not quite ordinary – it will not predict your future. But it will help to create a fascinating dramatic plot or an interesting, voluminous character.

A universal generator: do you write stories or a movie script or the creation of a computer game – it will be useful in any case. Although, of course, he will not be able to fill himself with a new hero. The author does not want him to say. We just want to put another useful tool in your hands. Good luck and bold ideas!

We suggest you develop websites of any complexity "turnkey". Own administration system allows you to create unique web designs.

We suggest you develop websites of any complexity "turnkey". Own administration system allows you to create unique web designs.

We suggest you develop websites of any complexity "turnkey". Own administration system allows you to create unique web designs.

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We suggest you develop websites of any complexity "turnkey". Own administration system allows you to create unique web designs.

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Церемония объявления победителя одной из самых престижных литературных премий прошла в ... read more

Издательство АСТ изымает из продажи книги Каннингема, Болдуина, Янагихары и Миллер.... read more

Издательство АСТ отозвало из продажи книгу Владимира?Сорокина «Наследие».... read more

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